A moving violation refers to any crime that is committed by a driver while their vehicle is moving. There are a multitude of moving violations that an individual can receive by an officer and they are all documented on a person’s individual record. Just like any crime, a person does have the right to fight their moving violation charge in a court of law.
Moving Violations result in points accrued on a person’s license hand and will affect a person’s record indefinitely. An aspect about moving violations that most people fail to realize before it is too late to fight their case, is that moving violations can end up costing a person a lot more money than they anticipated
Every moving violation that a person receives will add points to their license and will most likely come with a fine. An individual has the option to pay and take a driving course that will deduct the points from their license, but that costs more money and is not available all of the time. The more moving violations that a person has on their record, the higher their insurance rates will rise. This could result in hundreds to thousands of dollars and make it very hard for a person to pay for their vehicle’s insurance.
Attorney David A. Haenel, renowned in Florida for his excellent record in criminal defense, DUI, and traffic ticket cases, and has been delivering favorable outcomes for his clients since 2000. With a law degree and a Master of Law in criminal law, his background includes a notable tenure as the State of Florida DUI Prosecutor of the Year