You might feel in a state of despair if you have been charged for DUI in Tampa and you may think you can’t do a thing about it. There are ways, however, that you can beat the charge and either get it dismissed or the penalty reduced. The most important action you must take is […] read more
If you have been arrested and charged with DUI in Tampa, your charge was probably dependent on a positive blood alcohol or BAC test being made on or after your arrest. These tests are notoriously unreliable and the test procedure, as well as test results, can be challenged by an experienced Tampa DUI lawyer. When […] read more
When you have been arrested for DUI, you are often confronted with many uncertainties and, for sure, you won’t know the answers to many questions. Some Common FAQS If a police officer asks me to undertake a blood, breath or urine test, do I have to agree? No, you do not. But if you refuse […] read more
If you are a commercial driver, driving a bus or a truck, your commercial driver license (CDL) is an essential part of your job, Without it, you will not be allowed to drive a commercial vehicle and therefore you are likely to lose your job. If you are charged with DUI, it is likely that […] read more