Should You Pay Your Traffic Ticket or Fight the Charges?
Florida statistics show that between 80-90% of people who receive a traffic citation pay the ticket, or choose to attend traffic school—which still requires payment of the ticket. It is understandable why this may seem like the most expedient way to handle your traffic violation—after all, you are probably just as busy as most Americans, and simply don’t have the time to take off work and argue your case before a judge, even if you feel you were unfairly ticketed. While you may be able to attend traffic school online, the state of Florida only allows you take a traffic course once a year, with a maximum of five times over the course of your lifetime.
Should you decide to fight the ticket on your own, once you step into the courtroom, you will be required to argue your case convincingly enough that a judge will take your word over the word of the police officer. This is, unfortunately, highly unlikely. Unless the police officer fails to show up, it is likely you will lose your case and still be required to pay your ticket, along with court costs. Contrast that scenario with the one in which you appear with an experienced Gainesville traffic ticket lawyer by your side. Our attorneys are very familiar with the Gainesville court systems, and have a working relationship with court personnel which will work in your favor.
Getting the Help You Need After Receiving a Gainesville Speeding Ticket
Your speeding ticket attorney in Gainesville can make objections which will stick, because he or she has the knowledge to back those objections up. If you received a speeding ticket your attorney will question the officer who issued your ticket in order to determine whether the equipment used to calculate your speed was properly calibrated and had regular maintenance done on it. Your Gainesville traffic ticket lawyer will also question the officer regarding his or her credentials and training on the particular device.
Paying Your Ticket Will Result in a Conviction
The most important thing you must remember is that should you choose to write a check and drop it in the mail to pay your speeding ticket or other traffic violation, is that by doing so you have admitted your guilt and will receive a conviction for the offense. Depending on whether your traffic violation is a civil infraction or a criminal offense, such a conviction can have very serious repercussions. Any moving violation conviction, whether civil or criminal, will result in points being added to your driving record. A criminal conviction—even for a traffic offense—will stay on your record for a very long time, causing other problems.
When you apply for a job and your prospective employer conducts a background check, this criminal conviction will show up, potentially costing you a job you are well-qualified for. When you fill out an application to rent a home, your prospective landlord will run a background check and may choose not to rent to you because of the criminal conviction. You could be unable to obtain a government student loan or obtain a professional license due to the criminal conviction resulting from the traffic citation you decided to pay rather than fight. In short, there are many compelling reasons to hire a Gainesville traffic ticket attorney and literally no reason not to. We will fight for your rights, doing our best to ensure your traffic ticket does not cost you much more than the amount of the fine.
Specific Traffic Offenses We Can Help You With
As you are likely aware, Florida has numerous police officers on the roadways at all times. The types of traffic tickets commonly issued to Floridians include the following:
Speeding is by far the most common traffic infraction. Should you be ticketed for driving fifteen miles or less above the posted speed limit and you are convicted of the offense, you will receive three points on your driving record. Speeds over sixteen miles per hour above the posted speed limit will result in four points on your driving record. DUI charges are among the most serious offenses and will be charged as a criminal offense. A DUI is a mistake you will almost certainly regret, as these charges seem to have a domino effect on your life. Not only could you face possible jail time and steep fines and fees, you could also lose your driver’s license for an extended length of time.
Any conviction for a moving violation will add points to your driving record. Should you accrue twelve points within a one-year period, you will lose your driver’s license for a month. Eighteen points within a period of a year and a half will cause you to lose your license for three months. Should you accrue twenty-four points within a three-year period, you will lose your license for a year. Leaving the scene of an accident or speed violations which result in an accident will result in six points added to your driving record. Your Gainseville speeding ticket attorney can provide you with all the information you need to make the right condition regarding your traffic ticket.
Why Choose Our Traffic Ticket Defense Firm?
There are many good reasons to choose our law firm over others, namely the extensive level of experience our attorneys have as well as our knowledge of local, state and federal laws. These attributes definitely work in your favor when we become part of your team. Our attorneys work together in order to try and provide the best defense possible. We have an extensive network of other professionals who will assist us in our goal of ensuring your traffic ticket results in a favorable outcome. As your speeding ticket attorney in Gainesville, we will fight aggressively on your behalf and will always look out for your best interests.
Attorney David A. Haenel, renowned in Florida for his excellent record in criminal defense, DUI, and traffic ticket cases, and has been delivering favorable outcomes for his clients since 2000. With a law degree and a Master of Law in criminal law, his background includes a notable tenure as the State of Florida DUI Prosecutor of the Year