An unlawful use of an identification card violation is considered a criminal offense and will be marked as such on a person’s criminal record if charged. An identification card does not specifically refer to a driver’s license because a person can have an issued identification card that does not permit driving privileges. An identification card is issued to provide information about the owner, including, their name, date of birth, and address.
According to Florida statute 322.051(6), it is unlawful for any person:
If an individual uses an identification card illegally they will be charged with a second degree misdemeanor which will result in penalties such as, up to sixty days in jail, up to a $500 fine, and up to six months of probation.
This type of charge is typically seen with college students and underage teenagers attempting to gain access to a bar or night club with a fake identification card (I.D). Regardless of the reason behind the usage of an unlawful identification card, the accused individual will have a criminal charge on their record which could cause problems with finding or keeping a job, and continuing schooling if applicable.
Contact us immediately if you have been charged with an unlawful use of an identification card. The sooner we are contacted the more ability we have with getting your charges dismissed or reduced quickly. We have over 30 years of experience fighting these charges and we will help you to clear your record. Call us today and set up a free consultation. We are available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Contact us at 1-800-FIGHT-IT (1-800-344-4848).
Attorney David A. Haenel, renowned in Florida for his excellent record in criminal defense, DUI, and traffic ticket cases, and has been delivering favorable outcomes for his clients since 2000. With a law degree and a Master of Law in criminal law, his background includes a notable tenure as the State of Florida DUI Prosecutor of the Year